Nature is the best show in town for me. Animals, mountains, rivers, canyons, I love them all. Photography, writing of prose and poetry are the ways I show my appreciation for them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You Can't Take a Picture of That!

Have you ever walked or driven along in a beautiful area enjoying the scenery and decided you just had to have a picture of it?  You stop, or maybe you just "windshield" it, and later when you look at the photo you wonder why you took such a lousy picture.  Next time, you think, I'll take more time and really get a good photo.

Next time comes and you do stop this time and look around for the perfect shot that conveys the mood of the place (you've been reading some photography magazine).  You spend a few minutes and take a few shots, maybe even with a tripod if you are serious about it.  Later you look at the photos.  Ah, much better. You have some nice photos that friends politely say are great but you know deep down they don't come near what you experienced at the time.

I've done the same thing.

We are walking toward Mirror Lake in Yosemite when we see a photography class stopped ahead.  A forest of tripods fills the forest of pines.  Some cameras are aimed down to get close ups and others are taking more general views.  Students are changing settings on their camera, the teacher is calling out reminders of things previously discussed.

Quietly we pass through and try to stay out of any pictures.  The weather is perfect for this hike.  The leaves are just starting to turn with a few trees all yellow and others still all green.  There is a very light breeze from time to time that makes the aspen leaves spin on their stems.  They seem to be saying, look at me! Look at me!

Overhead ravens Caw! Caw! as they swoop and glide.

The creek happily rushes under Tanaya Bridge toward the River of Mercy, the Merced River.

We feel content, at home, happy.

You can't take a picture of that.

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